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Anger Management Therapy Program


Build a foundation for lasting recovery from addiction

a person takes notes while another person sits and talks in an anger management therapy program

Anger is a natural part of the human experience. It can benefit and constructively affect you in the right circumstances. However, extreme or excessive anger can harm you in various ways. That harm includes negative impacts on both your mental and physical well-being. If destructive anger has taken control of your life, you may need anger management therapy. This is the name for a group of treatments that can help you understand, process, and defuse your angry feelings.

Our Waltham, MA, mental health treatment center features anger management therapy. With our support, you can address anger and ease its damaging effects. In this way, you can rebalance your emotions and reinforce your sense of mental and physical wellness. To learn more about our anger management therapy program, contact us at 866.276.1920.

The Mental and Physical Effects of Anger

Inappropriate expressions of anger come in a variety of forms. Some people are aggressively angry. Others express their feelings in a less direct, passive-aggressive manner. In addition, you may try to suppress your anger altogether.

Mental Effects

All of these approaches to anger can harm your mental health. Specific everyday effects you may experience include a lack of focus, poor decision-making, and fatigue. Over time, poorly channeled anger can also increase your risks for depression and anxiety. In addition, it can increase your odds of developing drug or alcohol issues.

Physical Effects

Uncontrolled or improperly directed anger can also seriously damage your physical health. The long list of related issues you may experience includes:

  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension, i.e., high blood pressure

You can also heighten your chances of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.

What Is an Anger Management Therapy Program?

Anger management therapy is a blanket term for psychotherapy that helps you address your anger issues. Multiple kinds of psychotherapy are known to provide a benefit to large numbers of people. Options used in a well-designed anger management treatment program may include:

Your program may include just one of these therapies. However, anger often has several different and interconnected causes. To fully address these causes, you may need the benefit of two or more forms of therapy.

If you're ready to start your journey to recovery, we're here to help.

How an Anger Management Treatment Program Can Help

Sometimes, the goal of an anger management therapy program is to help you avoid getting angry. However, for many people, potential sources of anger are difficult or impossible to escape. For this reason, the goal of therapy is often to help you deal with the effects of anger once it arises.

Each form of anger management therapy comes with its own methods and common benefits. For instance, CBT can help you understand why you get angry. It can also help you undo anger’s negative impact on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. DBT helps you learn how to tolerate situations that usually make you angry. It also lets you control your anger and improve your communication with others. Family therapy can help you address anger issues linked to your family unit. Psychodynamic therapy helps you understand anger’s emotional roots.

Seek an Effective Anger Management Therapy Program at Evoke Waltham

Are you worried about the impact that anger is having on your life? The professionals at Evoke Waltham are standing by. We’ll thoroughly explain the telltale signs of corrosive anger. We can also help you decide if you need therapy for your anger issues.

Evoke Waltham features a range of modern options for effective anger management. Our customized plans match you with the therapies best suited for your current situation. Call us today at 866.276.1920 to learn more about our holistic approach to anger. You can also complete our online contact form.