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Adjusting to Life After Rehab

woman wearing a hoodie holds her hands up and embraces life after rehab

Treatment for substance or alcohol use disorder is only the beginning of your recovery path. Life after rehab may include a sober living program, long-term participation in a peer recovery group, therapy, and other actions that help you maintain a sober lifestyle. A sober living program is a residential program that provides support and structure for individuals in early recovery.

It allows them to live independently while being held accountable for their actions and participating in group activities. Call Evoke Wellness at Waltham today at 866.276.1920 to learn more about adjusting to life after recovery.

The Challenge of Maintaining a Sober Lifestyle

Congratulations if you have recently completed a rehab program. Going through treatment is a difficult but exciting experience. Treatment has helped you see how amazing your new life can be once you’re free from drugs and alcohol. However, living substance-free takes a lot of adjustment.

Without daily support from therapists, counselors, and peers, you now have to use the sobriety strategies learned during treatment. The first step in life after rehab is to have a plan.

Life is going to be different now. You may need to avoid old friends and familiar places. Your new life may include paying consequences for things you did while using substances.

Accepting that some or perhaps many aspects of life will be different now is a start. Developing a plan that includes participation in a sober living program can give you the solid foundation needed for long-term recovery. That plan should include:

  • Practicing a healthy lifestyle – Get enough sleep, exercise, eat a healthy diet, etc.
  • Preparing to manage triggers – Know what to do if you get the urge to use drugs or alcohol
  • Building your sober network – Include friends, healthcare professionals, family members, and peers

Attending a sober living program after treatment can help you build a strong plan for handling life after rehab.

Protecting Your Sober Lifestyle

Spending time in a sober living program after you’ve completed treatment is one of the best ways to prepare for living life without substances. Sober-living homes are places where you can practice the skills you’ve learned in treatment as you transition back to independent living.

At a sober living program, you will still be required to follow certain rules, such as:

  • Undergoing random drug tests
  • Obeying a curfew
  • Sharing in the upkeep of the home
  • Attending household meetings
  • Staying sober

Failure to follow the rules will result in being asked to leave. Sober-living homes only work when they are safe, substance-free environments. Taking risks with your own sobriety also threatens the sobriety of your housemates. Each sober living program has its own rules and guidelines. For the good of all, unsafe behaviors are rarely tolerated.

What Does Life After Rehab Look Like?

There are no formal treatment sessions in a sober living program. However, joining a 12-step program or other peer support group is encouraged. You may also participate in private therapy or other programs that support your mental health.

Sober living homes allow you to practice independent living without completely leaving a therapeutic environment. The focus is on learning to build positive relationships with peers as you rebuild your life after addiction.

Contact Evoke Wellness at Waltham to Start Our Sober Living Program

Have you or someone you care about completed treatment for a substance use disorder and need extra support as you transition to independent living? If so, a sober living program may be the answer. Sober living programs are an investment in your sobriety and overall wellness. Call us at 866.276.1920 or contact us online to learn more about Evoke Wellness at Waltham’s sober living program today.