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How Do You Stop the Development of a Mental Illness?

How Do You Stop the Development of a Mental Illness?

Is it possible to stop the development of a mental illness? If so, what can be done to keep it from forming and taken that person over?

The term “mental illness” refers to mental or emotional health conditions characterized by changes in emotion, thinking, behaviors and disposition. Typically, people with mental illnesses are challenged when interacting with others socially, at work, or with their families. Many also suffer from isolation. Being afflicted by a mental illness is not a sign of insanity or weakness; it is a medical issue that can be helped just like other medical diagnoses. There are now in-depth treatment options available for mental illnesses and proven ways to prevent them. 

Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020). (NIMH)

How Do You Stop the Development of a Mental Illness?

The Importance of Early Intervention in Mental Health

Research has shown that mental illness can be prevented and mitigated to allow individuals to live fulfilling, productive lives. Mental health professionals are learning more about the critical stages in brain development and life experiences. The younger a person is who experiences negative situations can impact and increase the risk of a mental health disorder. Many mental illnesses can stem from trauma, abuse, violence, or neglect. Additionally, early signs of mental health disorders often are identifiable by the age of fourteen. A preventive intervention aims to reduce risk exposure and strengthen the person’s coping mechanisms.

Early intervention lowers risks and prevents a mental health disorder from worsening or misdiagnosing.

What Are The Risks That Can Cause a Mental Illness?

  • The Mayo Clinic lists the most pertinent risks that can cause someone to develop a mental illness. Therefore, it is essential to look for these risks when assessing anyone, especially in younger populations.

“Certain factors may increase your risk of developing a mental illness, such as:

  • A history of mental illness in a blood relative, such as a parent or sibling
  • Stressful life situations, such as financial problems, a loved one’s death, or a divorce
  • An ongoing (chronic) medical condition, such as diabetes
  • Brain damage as a result of a serious injury (traumatic brain injury), such as a violent blow to the head
  • Traumatic experiences, such as military combat or assault
  • Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
  • A childhood history of abuse or neglect
  • Few friends or few healthy relationships” (Mayo Clinic)

How Do You Help Someone Who Is At Risk For Mental Illness?

Mental health problems can affect anyone. A person’s recovery process can be significantly influenced when someone steps in. Helping someone at risk first requires recognizing the risk factors and signs of mental health problems. There is information and guidance about acting if you suspect someone may need help. Another way to get involved is by talking with friends and family about the struggling person. Being educated on the risks and symptoms of mental health disorders can identify early warning signs, receive earlier treatment, and provide the individual with greater compassion and understanding. 

Is Stopping Mental Illness Possible?

In many situations, young children are removed from a violent home and saved from experiencing abuse, and the potential for mental illness is blocked. Evidence-based behavioral therapy is another instance when a mental illness can be stopped. Targeted emotional therapy and counseling can stop or reverse a mental illness. On-Call Treatment offers in-depth mental health therapy to treat mental health disorders and prevent them from developing. We rely on cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, one-on-one counseling, and small group counseling. 

At On-Call Treatment Centers, We Provide Dual Diagnosis Treatment That is Evidence-Based

To learn about our mental health and substance abuse programs that center on research and evidence to help a loved one, call now for immediate discussion with our clinical staff members. We have helped many people with mental health diagnoses, and substance abuse problems reclaim their mental health, acquire peace of mind, and enjoy their lives. Call now to learn more about our dual diagnosis program.