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Build a foundation for lasting recovery from addiction

Setting Recovery Goals for the New Year

woman leans her head back and smiles while feeling good about her recovery goals

The new year is finally upon us. This is the time when most people begin making resolutions to improve their health, finances, and relationships. Another big New Year’s resolution includes quitting drinking or misusing drugs. Setting recovery goals is essential to anyone who is ready to start the new year by building a sober lifestyle. The best way to do this is by enrolling in an accredited addiction treatment program.

Evoke Wellness at Waltham provides men and women with comprehensive addiction treatment programs that aid them in breaking their addiction to alcohol, meth, or prescription opioid medications. Our programs use proven therapeutic techniques that teach patients crucial goal-setting skills that allow them to reach their recovery goals confidently and on time.

To find out if our sober living program in Waltham, MA is the best place to begin recovery, call 866.276.1920 today to speak with our compassionate team.

Making Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Making New Year’s resolutions may sound like a cliché, but for many people, it’s the start of a much-needed and sometimes life-saving change. For those who struggle with a substance use disorder, the start of a new year is the perfect time to enroll in a recovery program. You can learn new coping skills, fine-tune existing ones, and build a healthy support system with your peers.

Why should you make a resolution to stop drinking or using drugs? Some of the long-term side effects of substance use include:

  • Impotency in men
  • Infertility in women
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Cancer in the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, colon, or rectum

The quality and length of your life can significantly drop if the substance use is allowed to continue. Some reports show as much as a 20-30-year decrease in life expectancy. Fortunately, enrolling in a treatment program can help you stop misusing substances and teach you how to live a long, healthy, and sober lifestyle.

Evoke Wellness at Waltham can aid you in setting recovery goals and will build a treatment program based on the severity of your symptoms and the reasons behind the abuse. Our state-of-the-art treatment center creates a welcoming and encouraging space where you can focus on your recovery through group and private therapy sessions led by experienced therapists.

Tips for Setting Recovery Goals

Recovery is a process of change. In order to enact real change, you need to set realistic goals and give yourself enough time to reach those goals. During a treatment program, therapists will work with you to set specific goals for your recovery and continue to work with you to ensure you stay on track.

Some of the top recovery goals to build a sober lifestyle include:

Be Specific with Your Goals

When writing down your goals, be specific and give a reason for the change. Don’t just say, “I want to be sober,” but instead try, “I want to be sober and out of recovery by May so I can attend my son’s graduation.”

Keeping Track of Your Progress

Create a visible calendar with dates of therapy sessions and goals along with your final recovery goal: “May 15th – program graduation.” Place it in an area you will see every day or even in multiple spaces so you will always see what your goals are.

Set Attainable Goals

A common mistake for people in recovery is setting lofty goals that sound good on paper but can be difficult to reach. Setting smaller, more attainable goals along your path to recovery is a smarter way of reaching those goals. This is something an addiction treatment program can help you with.

Be Realistic in Your Goals

Recovery is a difficult road, and sometimes relapses can happen, even months or years after quitting. At the start of recovery, you will work with a therapist to set several small goals that will get you to your ultimate goal. “I want to be 90 days sober by May 15th for my son’s graduation.”

Create a Timeline

One of the big benefits of working with a therapist to reach your recovery goals is they can help set a realistic timeline. Recovery doesn’t happen at the end of detoxing. It can take months or years to feel confident enough to maintain a sober lifestyle. Therapists will work with you to create a workable timeline specific to your goals.

January is the perfect time to stop misusing drugs or alcohol and begin improving your overall well-being. Doing so can improve your physical and mental health and help you realize your own power to enact real change.

Call Evoke Wellness at Waltham to Enroll in Our Sober Living Program in Waltham, MA Today

At Evoke Wellness at Waltham, we help Massachusetts residents who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, heroin, cocaine, or other substances. Therapists work closely with each patient to uncover the root cause of the substance use and set a realistic recovery goal. Throughout the program, they will continue to monitor their progress and make any updates necessary to stay on track.

To see if our addiction treatment programs are right for you or a loved one, schedule a tour today by calling 866.276.1920 or contacting us online to start the intake process.