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Does Methylphenidate Make You Feel Euphoria?

Does Methylphenidate Make You Feel Euphoria?

Methylphenidate prevents dopamine from being reabsorbed into the brain, causing more of it to be present, which causes euphoric feelings of pleasure and further drug-seeking behaviors.

Methylphenidate is a central nervous system stimulant meant to affect certain chemicals in the brain known as dopamine and norepinephrine. These specific chemicals send signals to different parts of your body and help improve symptoms like short attention, hyperactivity, and listening skills. It is designed to treat disorders like narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.

Methylphenidate is available under many different brand names like Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, and many more. This drug is a Schedule II narcotic, which means it falls under the same class of drugs as others like amphetamines or cocaine. It can be extremely habit-forming and addictive.

Does Methylphenidate Make You feel Euphoria?

How Does Methylphenidate Work? What Does Ritalin Do?

Since it is a central nervous system stimulant, it increases chemicals in the brain that produce stimulation. While this helps people with ADHD balance out and focus more, it does not have the same effect on those who do not need it. Methylphenidate prevents dopamine from being reabsorbed into the brain, causing more of it to be present. Since there is a surplus of dopamine in the brain, it can produce feelings of Euphoria that are similar to that of cocaine. This Euphoria is especially heightened when the drug is snorted.

According to an NIH article:

When used intranasally, Methylphenidate has receptor effects similar to those of cocaine. A rapid release of synaptic dopamine occurs, producing subjective effects of an instant “high” and an intensely gratifying euphoria. Thus, the clinical picture of abuse is often quite similar to that of cocaine.

The normal brain already naturally releases dopamine as a reward system when you do something that makes your brain happy. As your brain becomes more used to the Methylphenidate raising the dopamine levels, it will begin to stop making so much dopamine on its own. This will lead a person to develop a dependence on the drug and cause you to feel like you need it to function normally.

Does Methylphenidate Cause Lasting Euphoria?

Methylphenidate has a very high potential for abuse, and it is becoming more and more abused as time goes on, especially among teens and young adults. Many people use this drug to boost their focus, promote weight loss, and most commonly produce a high.

Potential Abuse and Addiction After Taking Methylphenidate, Ritalin, or Concerta

When someone starts abusing Methylphenidate in ways like helping them study for a test or finish a big project, it may seem harmless since it may only be taken every once in a while. This belief may even be reinforced if you get a good grade or do great on that project. However, after a while, it may be a new normal for you to use this drug to finish things until you eventually become accustomed to it to get anything done.

Other people may abuse this drug simply because of its high and the Euphoria it produces. Very high doses are needed to cause feelings of Euphoria. After taking a high dose, you will likely experience a burst of energy, exhilaration, and heightened alertness, followed by a very hard crash. Symptoms of a crash include exhaustion, insomnia, and even depression.

Many people try and avoid this by taking repeated doses, which only compounds the problem. In addition, abuse and addiction to Methylphenidate come with some nasty side effects like headaches, rapid heart rate, nausea, raised blood pressure, anxiety and restlessness, aggressions, and even seizures that can result in coma.

Start Healing For Methylphenidate Abuse

The ultimate goal in treating a methylphenidate addiction is to provide treatment and tools for long-lasting sobriety and recovery. Confidential treatment plans are specialized for each person to ensure the highest quality of care. If you need help finding the right treatment for your addiction, we are here to help.